Hi Guys:

Jaap has a DEC Alpha 7305 for someone who is interested. Please see
his message below and if interested contact him directly.

Here is a link to HP's spec sheet

Have fun.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jaap Struyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 25, 2006 7:02 AM
Subject: machine donation
To: Tushar Teredesai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Tushar,

Sorry to mail to you directly but I'm not subscribed to any of the lfs
lists anymore but maybe I have something of the teams interrest.
I can get an DEC Alpha 7305 for free, if I don't take it it will be
trown away, maybe someone in the lfs team wants it?
Only problem is the transport, it weights 120kg. and has the size of a
small fridge so shipping it isn't an option.
Maybe you are willing to ask around? (or post it in the devel list, if
someone is interested they can contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Groetjes Japie

Tushar Teredesai
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