On Tue, May 23, 2006 at 09:03:05PM -0400, Joe Ciccone wrote:
> I think a svn repo should be added for a common set of udev rules. I
> will be willing to go through both the lfs rules and the clfs rules,
> find all of the common rules, and mosh them together into one common
> package. I don't think I will beable to get to it until the end of the
> week, but by then, I hope there is a more solid decision.

Replying to you and Randy, everything you described has already been
started. The repo exists now in the LFS repo. Feel free to check it out
and also to look at my email that detailed all the changes currently
made. There's more in my working copy as well. Things like adding more
subsystem rules so a few more devices won't need to be enumerated.



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