On Tue, May 16, 2006 at 01:39:16PM +0600, Alexander E. Patrakov wrote:
> No, this default simply means "please don't clobber my screen". A person 
> who wants to receive messages must run "mesg y".

Again, this isn't consistent with /dev/pts. For a default, the 2 should
be the same.

> Of course, this default and the possibility to change it can be explained 
> in the book. I do object to silently changing the default.

I don't care which way we go, 620 or 600, but both tty's and pty's need
to be the same with a note in both places (shadow and fstab) as to how
to change the default. Maybe even a spot in BLFS's bash startup files to
put the mesg command in there to allow overriding the default.

write has been around for what seems like forever and it can be a very
useful tool. Back in the days before IM, write and talk were the bomb!
:) I am inclined to go with 620, but I'll wait for community discussion.

BTW, in many cases a ^l will "unclobber" the screen (like in vim, and
ncurses-based apps). 


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