Alexander E. Patrakov wrote:
+1, because I don't believe in educational value with udev. For most of
BLFS editors, it's a black box. Editors just expect someone to configure
udev properly, so that they don't have to think about it. Unfortunately,
udev is one of the packages that _require_ complete understanding.
So, this "consumer" attitude won't do us (and the readers, because one
can't explain what he doesn't understand) anything good.
Alexander, what's your motive here? I'm just trying to understand your
point of view better. The above comment you made is more of a
social/political evaluation than a technical argument. I do agree that
the editors should understand udev better than they do, but the solution
isn't dropping udev from the book. How do you come to understand udev so
well? What resources do you use? Point the way, please.
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