On Wed, May 03, 2006 at 01:07:49AM +0100, Ken Moffat wrote:
> At the moment, we seem happy to let people stick with the kernel they
> built when they built LFS.

I don't understand. We don't control what a user does. We give a build
recipe, throw in some educational material, give guidelines on how to
maintain the system. What exactly are you asking that we do?

2.6.16 is most likely the kernel that will be used in lfs-6.2 due mostly
to timing issues. We can't wait for 2.6.17 to settle down, else a book
would never get released. If a 2.6.16.x release comes out during the
testing phase, we could look at it, test it a bit, perhaps discuss
on-list, but I'm not prepared to make the blanket statement that any
point release from the 2.6.16 branch is a suitable drop-in without
testing. But I'm also not the release manager. Matt is, so what I say
here doesn't really matter other than to show that I'm uncomfortable
with assumption.


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