* Archaic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-04-20 19:02]:
> Now for the philosophical debate of which book should do what with udev
> rules. The 2 forerunners in the debate are:
> - The existence of devices comes mainly from the kernel, so everything
>   should be in LFS.
> - Many devices are unusable without BLFS software, so the rules for
>   those devices should be in BLFS.

I support your proposal as presented. I think all or most rules should
be set in LFS.

Besides your reasons, I'll add these to the debate:

- there is a precedent for dealing with devices in LFS: the old MAKEDEV

- At some point ease of use might enter the picture. Having all rules
  set in one place at one time eases system setup considerably.

Miguel Bazdresch
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