Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
Dan Nicholson wrote:
1.  automake depends on autoconf and autoconf test suites depends on
automake.  This is circular.  The only way to solve it is to add one
or the other to /tools or to live with less test coverage in autoconf.
 I would personally add autoconf to /tools, but that's pretty unlikely
given autoconf's tenuous state in the book already.

Eek. Do you feel that it's worth that?

I know I don't. :)

2.  If libtool is moved up to satisfy the autoconf tests, then grep
will have to change.  libtool depends on grep because it will hardcode
the location of grep into itself.  This can be solved in one of two
ways: move grep ahead of libtool which will be near the beginning of
the order, or add /bin/grep -> /tools/bin/grep to the Essential
Symlinks.  I believe the first would not regress the current build at
all, but the second would be very simple as well.

I don't mind if this is done, but it still feels like we're bending over backwards for autofoo. I'd personally be more comfortable just re-installing them at the end. It would take all of what, two minutes?

I don't really see a problem with moving libtool and grep up to the beginning to improve testsuite coverage for auto{conf,make}. It doesn't break anything else. Of course, the other obvious option is to leave libtool where it is and move the other autotools right below it.

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