On Mon, Feb 27, 2006 at 07:03:04AM -0700, Archaic wrote:
> It is done before udev is started. It just happens to be done in the
> same script that starts udev and currently that is the most logical. We
> can't do it in the mountfs script because udev must run before that. We
> could do it in the mountkernfs script, but it gains us nothing and also
> makes the name mountkernfs inaccurate.

I think what Dimitry meant was why don't we use a new script.

Which sounds like a good idea, except that all this stuff is related to
udev.  About the only good way that I can see to make it another script
is to name them udev1 and udev2; that screams "horrible hack" to me,
though I don't exactly know why.

If we can just make the "restart" target specific enough to work
(instead of the standard $0 stop / sleep 1 / $0 start, just make it run
the commands that it needs to run), I think going with that would be

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