On 1/29/06, Jeremy Huntwork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So. Exepect a commit in ~ 5 minutes.

Sorry, one more nit, though this has to do with Binutils-Pass 1 & 2. 
I didn't notice it until it was rendered today.

Currently, the make command on the rebuild has

make LDFLAGS="-s" LIB_PATH="/new/path"

The LDFLAGS="-s" won't hurt anything since it's the strip all symbols
input parameter for ld.  From ld --help:

  -s, --strip-all             Strip all symbols

Anyway, since we're not passing -s anywhere else in the book, then it
shouldn't be passed here for consistency.  Or, it should be added to
everything and we can drop the Stripping section :-)

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