On 1/27/06, Ken Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On the non-alphabetic book, with utf8, I never managed to track down > why updating readline in place was leaving the symlinks pointing to > .old. FWIW clfs (ppc) was ok for that, so it must have been a problem > specific to the non-alphabetic build (and the clfs patches for readline > and bash didn't fix it).
It may not have anything to do with readline at all. IMO, it is the same ldconfig bug that creates /usr/lib/libncurses.so.5 <http://archives.linuxfromscratch.org/mail-archives/lfs-dev/2005-August/052567.html>. Do you have a ldconfig anywhere in your build script? If so replace it by ldconfig -X and retry. It *should* fix the incorrect symlink. -- Tushar Teredesai mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/~tushar/ -- http://linuxfromscratch.org/mailman/listinfo/lfs-dev FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/faq/ Unsubscribe: See the above information page