there are claims that the current instructions are overly complicated.
Below is the third part of the proof that they are in fact needed, but
still insufficient for producing a system that works with both UTF-8
based and traditional locales with zero regressions, and anything else
is oversimplification.
9) kbd: my changes include the fix for
http://bugs.linuxfromscratch.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1654 and a note about
useless keymaps. The part about useless keymaps will be expanded on
request tomorrow.
10) Sysklogd
Testcase: LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8 startx /usr/bin/gnome-session
(or just run any GNOME program in the ru_RU.UTF-8 locale). The syslog
will contain junk such as:
Jan 4 08:31:35 home gconfd (patrakov-1622): зап.кае.\202.\201.\217
(here invalid characters were replaced by dots)
Jan 4 08:31:35 home gconfd (patrakov-1622): запускается
Bootscripts and kernel will go tomorrow.
Alexander E. Patrakov
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