* Alexander E. Patrakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-01-05 16:48]:
> Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
> >It would definitely help the workload if some packages in BLFS were
> >removed. For starters, perhaps BLFS could employ a policy that any that
> >are just a simple CMMI install (or ones which are easy to tweak by
> >referencing ./configure --help) won't have an entire page. Where they
> >are dependencies of other packages, link to an appendix which contains
> >just a URL to the developer site and any small notes about known issues,
> >ie, patches/i18n/multilib.
> 1) For CMMI packages, the following information is useful:
> * The list of dependencies
> * The URLs
> * The fact that it is indeed a CMMI package with no build-time caveats

I support this; I was going to suggest this myself.
> 2) AFAIK, Randy is going to add instructions for converting texinfo 
> documentation to other formats. After such addition, a previously-CMMI 
> package may no longer count as such.

Not if the instructions are generic enough and can be put in a separate
page that explains how to do it for all (most?) packages.

Miguel Bazdresch
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