Who hates the perl build system? I do, I do.

OK, so this is very strange and may not be necessary and others don't
seem to have this issue, but...

When building perl in Ch. 6 of the LFS ALPHABETICAL-20051216, I kept
getting the man pages installed in the root directory.  This was very
obnoxious, obviously.  I traced it back to the fact that if nroff was
not found (and it's not installed in Ch. 5), the build system makes
the wonderful decision that man1dir= and man3dir= since it can't
rebuild the man pages with groff.  I can't tell you how long it took
to figure this out since it appears the perl build system was written
by a high school student.  So, I moved groff up to before perl, and it
fixed this.  Here's snippets from the logs:

[ Groff after perl ]
System manual is in /usr/share/man/man1.
Where do the main Perl5 manual pages (source) go? (~name ok) [none]
You can have filenames longer than 14 characters.
Where do the perl5 library man pages (source) go? (~name ok) [none]

[ Groff before perl ]
System manual is in /usr/share/man/man1.
Where do the main Perl5 manual pages (source) go? (~name ok)
What suffix should be used for the main Perl5 man pages? [1]
You can have filenames longer than 14 characters.
Where do the perl5 library man pages (source) go? (~name ok)

Now, we could just add some mandir= type statements to configure.gnu,
but moving up groff seems fine.  This is the situation on current LFS
and DIY as it is.

What say the group?

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