Lionel Lagarde wrote:
Hi all.
I have just bought a new pc and I want to install Linux there by following the lfs book.
Someone has already managed to compile lfs on a amd64 system ?
If so, from what os ?

I'm using a x86_64 fedora core 4 and I can't compile gcc (the compilation fail on rebuilding xgcc with the
first generated xgcc because __x86_64__ is not defined (stubs.h)).

I'm not sure that it is the right mailing list to ask for my problems so redirect me
if not.

Lionel Lagarde


Take a look at
Its for cross-compiling but it contains the instructions for compiling pure 64-bit and multi-lib (64-bit system capable of running 32-bit binaries) versions of lfs.

I usually use Ubuntu (32-bit) for cross-compiling my x86_64 systems. If you search around, I think you will find that there is problems with building lfs from fc-4 but I may be wrong. :\



Curiosity did not kill the cat, not learning from it's mistakes did...

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