Ken Moffat wrote:
I'm running into problems with the "src/su dummy -c "make RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes check" tests on a new architecture - it's telling me that user dummy doesn't exist with both 5.92 and 5.93, but 5.2.1 passes without errors.

Looking at my notes and scripts, this is the first time I've tried either of the 5.9x versions of coreutils. So, can anybody confirm that the testsuite works for them with coreutils-5.9{2,3} please ?

Yep, I ran into the same issue. Testing suggested that the /etc/passwd entry for users you want to `su' to need a home dir. I therefore changed the creation of the dummy user to:

echo "dummy:x:1000:1000::/root:/bin/bash" >> /etc/passwd

Have you updated your scripts to reflect the SVN upgrade of coreutils ( should give you a decent overview of what's needed by the new version)?


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