Alexander E. Patrakov wrote:
William Harrington wrote:
You are discussing this WONTFIX bug:
Yes, but a couple of things here:
1) This item needed more discussion by the community. Also the
suggestion made in the bug is a little different than the suggestion
proposed here. What's been suggested is making the current text a little
more noticeable.
2) What we are discussing is only part of what you submitted as a bug.
As far as 1 goes, it's nice to see various people commenting on a much
more visible list. It helps round out the discussion and determine
whether or not this is an important issue to many people.
And as for 2, I agree with Archaic's surmise of the static device nodes
suggestion for /dev.
Perhaps it was marked as WONTFIX a little early - but in any case, I
think it's obvious that some discussion is still warranted, and that is
also in harmony with Archaic's response in bugzilla.
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