
it has been proposed to utilize the config.site file in order to minimize the number of "ifdef cross" constructions in the LiveCD makefiles. The cruft I am talking about usually has this form:

ifndef CROSS
        ./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64
        CC="gcc $(64FLAGS)" ./configure --prefix=/usr
        make $(PM)
        make install

It is possible to avoid passing repeatedly such CC="gcc -m64", --prefix=/usr, and --libdir=/usr/lib{,64} flags by using the config.site file, as DIY Linux currently does.

If ths technique is implemented in both books, I will be able to simplify this to:

        make install

(the whole difference is hidden in one config.site file instead of popping up in all Makefiles)

But now, when I try to implement config.site, this hits some inconsistencies in the book (e.g. sometimes --build is passed to packages configured with --prefix=/tools, sometimes not). So my attempt to implement it tends to end up with something that is different from both books, which is probably not acceptable. The difference is, supposedly, only in flags that are ignored by the ./configure scripts, but that needs to be validated. I have no 64-bit machine, so I can't do this validation.

Thus, I have reverted my attempt to utilize config.site. Sorry.

Alexander E. Patrakov
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