Jeremy Huntwork([EMAIL PROTECTED])@Thu, Oct 27, 2005 at 01:09:47PM -0400:
> Hi All,
> I was just curious about how many have tried jhalfs at this point and 
> what comments they might have as to its functionality and/or usefulness.
> TIA,
Hi Jeremy.

I tried a slightly modified jhalfs yesterday,to build SVN-20051022.

With some additions (reiserfsprogs,gpm,wget,openssl,lynx) it gave me a 
functional base system
in the next reboot without any eror (timezone,my 
locale,network,fstab,bootscripts etc)
everything worked as it should be.

Right now i am finishing building BLFS,without any serious problem so far (i 
builded with
success most of my usual stuff).

For me,due the lack of time this time of year,is exactly what i needed.
I am one year in LFS(builded 5-6 lfs/diy),but waiting for our third child in 
december,i wouldn't
have the time to continue lfs for the next months,so jhalfs made that possible 
for me,without the
need to monitor the changes.

Thank you all,You and Manuel (only the thing that he (Manuel) made possible to 
extract the 
commands from the book is good enough for me) and everyone else who contributed 
in jhalfs.

With Regards.
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