Ken Moffat wrote:

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Duncan Webb wrote:

I know this is off topic, so don't shout at me...

I was trying to build strace-4.5.12 under x86_64 but it has compilation problems. Attached is a patch, taken from gentoo that fixes there.


Blimey, it's a bit big, isn't it ;) I've got a somewhat shorter patch

- can't remember if I've tested it on x86_64-64 (thought I had, but maybe not), it's to address the problem caused by using a glibc snapshot which knows about the second version of LINUX_QUOTA_VERSION. I haven't submitted mine to patches@ because strace was tagged for 4.5.13, so I'm expecting it to be released soon. Does x86_64 have other problems with strace ?

My rule of thumb for Beyond-Cross-LFS, at the moment, is to mention issues on blfs-support.

Are you thinking of a dedicated Cross-LFS mailing list?


Oops, I did screw up that patch, somehow I created a process.c.orig :-[

This one should do the trick.


Attachment: strace-4.5.12-gentoo.patch.bz2
Description: Binary data

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