Ken Moffat wrote:

If you are doing something unusual, it doesn't always do to trust the error messages. Mostly, they are apt, but sometimes the cause of the error is not what the person who wrote the message expected. I think OSX used to give difficulties because it was, or is, case insensitive, but casual googling suggests there are probably other oddities.

Hmm. Hadn't thought of that one.

 I hope /tools/include/linux/stddef.h does indeed exist ?

Yep, it's there.

In which case, a part of the build process is confused - the includes for linux sysdeps show up in what you posted, but something else somewhere has to recognise it is running on linux, or building for linux, to know that include/linux is a good place to look. I'd hope --host=ppc64-unknown-linux-gnu would suffice, but I've never tried to build from a non-linux host.

IIRC, from my early tests, ppc64-unknown-linux-gnu isn't very well liked. powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu is working splendidly otherwise (builds most of the other gnu-tools).

Perhaps, try symlinking /tools/include/stddef.h to /tools/include/linux/stddef.h (based on ) ? If that helps, the end of the thread hinted that other headers might perhaps need the same treatment.

I'll give this a shot.

Oh, if you feel a disturbance in the force, that's probably my envy. Hrmph. G5, indeed ;-) Hope it goes well.

Hehe, thanks. Taking advantage of some of my resources here at work. :)

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