
I have done "svn up" in my copy of the UTF-8 book, upgraded to ncurses-5.5, improved jhalfs compatibility and fixed typos noticed by Chris Staub (thanks!). The rendered result is at:


Known bug (also in trunk): there is no text that explains the need for "iocharset" and "codepage" mount options for filesystems with DOS/Windows origin (vfat, isofs, smbfs, ntfs, cifs).

A patch against DocBook source in trunk is also available:


This book itself is compatible with both UTF-8 and non-UTF-8 locales, but in UTF-8 locales some deviations from BLFS are needed. See the bottom of http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/~alexander/lfs-book/chapter07/profile.html for details.

Right now I have no opinion whether this should be merged into trunk. UTF-8 locale support is pretty much a requirement for a modern Linux distro, but this adds some packages that absolutely cannot be upgraded before the corresponding distro does that: groff (we follow Debian's fork) and grep (RedHat has some patches that will appear only in 2.5.3). And of course functilnal incompatibility (aka "package compiles but is unusable in UTF-8 locales") with the current BLFS.

You can also help improving the book by reading the text, building LFS and asking questions.

Alexander E. Patrakov
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