Hi guys,
As you know, I'm still a little unsure of how the udev and hotplug
things all hang together (or not as the case may be!). Recent
developments in udev suggest that the hotplug package might not be
required anymore as udev can handle hotplug events itself.
However, RELEASE-NOTES says: "For full support, the broken
input-subsytem needs to be fixed, not to bypass the driver core." This
looks as if it's going to get into 2.6.15 as there were a series of
patches (starting at
http://www.ussg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0509.1/2566.html) which I
think do exactly this.
So, does anyone with more of a clue about this stuff no for sure what
the current state of play is? If we removed hotplug now, would that
simply force folks to not have any input drivers as modules, or are the
effects of the broken input-subsystem more subtle? What advice can we
give someone who wants to use a modular kernel regarding what their udev
rules and modprobe.conf should look like?
Incidentally, I'd love for someone to draw a nice looking graphic to
show how kernel events, udev, hotplug, modules, etc. are all related and
how they function together. If a similar graphic could be drawn without
the hotplug component in there, a direct comparison would be possible.
Any takers? :)
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