On Sun, Sep 04, 2005 at 12:11:08PM +0300, Ilja Honkonen wrote:
> No it did not, I noticed this when Groff wouldn't configure complaining that
>  it couldn't compile c++ programs. There were no gcc or c++ or even cc in
> /usr/bin. Very strange, but everyting worked after I installed gcc.
> Should I compile ncurces again?

First, this is lfs-dev, not lfs-support. You need to followup on
lfs-support. Second, by symlinking the c++ compiler from /tools into
/usr you have corrupted the build process. You should go back and
reinstall gcc by the book and then rebuild every package that uses any
c++ in it. Some use just a tiny bit, some use a lot. If you can
determine absolutely which packages need c++, then should be able to get
away with rebuilding just those packages. Otherwise, rebuild everything
from gcc on.


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