On Sat, Sep 03, 2005 at 08:24:23PM -0400, Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
> Greg Schafer wrote:
> >very often. So in summary, if type 83 partitions exist and they have
> >reiserfs OR if they don't have any filesystem on them whatsoever, the
> >problematic code path is taken and the crash is likely to occur. Hope
> >this makes sense.
> Yes, very much. Thanks. And of course, now that you've spelled it out a 
> bit more, I can see that that's what Jurg was endeavoring to explain. 
> Matt, unless you want to do it, I'll add Jurg's patch to the book.

Even though this bug seems to be tickled by gcc-4, would it be prudent
to add this to trunk as well since it's running the same version of


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