Sorry for the late reply, still going thru some old mail that I
received while on vacation.

On 8/25/05, Randy McMurchy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ldd in-of-itself is no indication that a package is actually a
> dependency. Libtiff could have easily been called into the build
> because it was a library dependency of some *other* package that
> was used in the build. Then libtiff would show up in ldd, but
> never actually was a direct dependency of the package being built.

As Matt said, readelf is a good way of knowing. Though it won't tell
you if the dependency is a required one or an optional one.

> It almost comes down to trusting the developer. If the docs say
> package A is a dependency, and configure checks for it, we gotta
> believe that it is used, if found.

For packages that are autotooled, configure checks are a pretty good
indication on what is needed for the sytem, though in rare cases there
may be false positives (may be a package was needed before, but is not
needed anymore but the developer forgot to remove the check) but the
false positives can be easily eliminated by verifying that the
library/executable was used during the make phase.

One small gripe, in rare cases I have seen packages that *require* a
particular package but the configure does not fail if the dependency
is not found. But the make stage fails because it fails to find the

Tushar Teredesai
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