Randy McMurchy wrote:
DJ Lucas wrote these words on 08/28/05 01:55 CST:

Randy McMurchy wrote:

From what I can tell from the information you provided (following all
relevant links), this is a tough bug to follow. I stopped reading
when it was starting to dwell on the specs of ISO standards.

I'd sure like to see something that explains it a bit easier.

Well...I _thought_ I had a box with the affected hardware mentioned in
the RedHat bug, but I was wrong.  So it doesn't look like I'll get to
see it either.  I have an S3 card at work that I might be able to use,
but I don't know what model or anything of that nature...will have to
see on monday.

Can someone summarize this bug?

You mention an S3 card, yet I compiled Xorg just fine and use the
S3 driver just fine. Please for folks that don't have the time or
patience to read ten thousand mails, summarize what is wrong so that
it can be confirmed or denied.

Do you mean the bug that Greg mentioned in his last message? As far as I know, there are 2 known bugs with Xorg and GCC4 - one causes a compilation failure, and the other allows it to compile fine but doesn't work correctly.
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