On Tue, 16 Aug 2005, Archaic wrote: > On Tue, Aug 16, 2005 at 09:47:06PM +0100, Ken Moffat wrote: > > > > This vulnerability should be low risk for most of us, but I think it's > > the sort of thing that ought to be applied. > > Agreed. >
Hmm, I think I should have checked the patches list before starting this thread, it's already been committed. Thanks, Jim. > > The question is, what do other people, particularly LFS editors, > > think? Should there be a severity threshold, and less critical > > patches need to be discussed on this list, or should I just go ahead > > and commit ? > > Well, most things should be mentioned even if there is no discussion > needed. It at least gives the OP the chance to layout the problem and > the relevant URL's (ensure {b,}lfs-dev and lfs-support are sent the > email for the sake of those who don't follow all the lists). If the > patch is tested and known to not break something obvious, then by all > means commit it (testing branches and other specialty branches may have > more specific guidelines). > If people don't want to follow -security, I don't think spamming the support lists will help. > If it breaks something subtly, that would hopefully be found as more > people build trunk and BLFS, which also implies that the closer to a > release we get, the more rigorously the editor should test *before* > committing. At the very minimum of testing is to create a test case and > trigger the vuln in the non-patched software then try with the patched > software instead of taking some distro's word that said patch works > (they've been wrong before). > > All IMO. > And in terms of post-release errata, I suppose I have to swear by everything I hold holy that it works and fixes the vulnerability. Or maybe just swear on the grave of my AmigaOne. Well, I don't have the right mindset to fully concoct an exploit, but in this case the patch prevented a contrived filename from running 'exit' so I'm more or less OK this time. But more generally, that is a very high standard. > > Do people think the patches need to be reviewed for apparent > > correctness, or is the opinion of one editor that a patch looks > > reasonable sufficient ? > > Well, we do have the opportunity to review the commit message. :) If we're subscribed to -patches. Anyway, thanks for the comments. I'll add it to the errata for stable in the morning, then announce it on -security. Ken -- das eine Mal als Tragödie, das andere Mal als Farce -- http://linuxfromscratch.org/mailman/listinfo/lfs-dev FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/faq/ Unsubscribe: See the above information page