Chris Staub wrote these words on 08/12/05 23:20 CST: > The installation instructions for Texinfo give an "optional" step for a > "TeX" installation, but it doesn't say why you would need it or what > programs might require it. Some kind of additional description should be > there (even if it's nothing more than "if you don't know what it is, you > don't it") to let people know if they should install it. -- Randy rmlscsi: [GNU ld version 20041220] [gcc (GCC) 3.4.3] [GNU C Library stable release version 2.3.4] [Linux 2.6.10 i686] 10:19:00 up 133 days, 9:52, 3 users, load average: 2.31, 1.89, 1.32 -- FAQ: Unsubscribe: See the above information page