On 8/1/05, Ken Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  This is prompted by upgrading zlib to 1.2.3 (thanks to Matt for the
> heads up).  Everything in my system using a shared libz is linked
> against libz.so.1 (good), but we persist in offering packages a symlink
> from /usr/lib/libz.so to /usr/lib/libz.so.1.2.3 [ png bit me when I
> overlooked that in my scripts ].
>  Should this symlink not point to /lib/libz.so.1 (itself a symlink, but
> updated by zlib whenever it is installed) ?  Alternatively, is the
> symlink from /usr/lib totally unnecessary ?

The libz.so is used during compilation only (for linking). Without the
link from libz.so to the actual library, when you try to compile
packages that link against libz (linker flag -lz), the compilation
will fail (assuming you don't have a static zlib installed in which
case the executable will link libz.a into the executable).

Tushar Teredesai
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