On Tue, 2005-07-26 at 13:31 +0100, Ken Moffat wrote:
>  I've definitely got a strangeness in my current build scripts for
> pure64 x86_64 from i686.  First time I built it, running make check on
> target glibc hung in inet tests.  Looking at it, I discovered I had
> omitted the fix_test patch.  Applied that, tests completed.
>  This time, I'm trying to get rid of a lot of bogosities that crept in,
> and clean up the remaining stuff that wants to use lib64.  Again, glibc
> hung at this point.  I've killed it, and also a tcltest that was
> apparently still running (had that too the first time, but didn't notice
> until the end of the build), and now glibc has sailed through the
> testsuite.
>  Anybody else seen anything like this ?  Any clue-bats ?

Indeed I have seen this a couple of times...

>From (possibly faulty) memory I recall noticing it in chroot builds
(which for convenience is predominately what I have done of late...)
will check my logs and get back to you...


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