Dear List, H'mmm - I tried searching for a prior posting on this subject and got
Index file error: Index file 'lfs-dev.swish' and property file 'lfs-dev.swish.prop' are not related.
But that's by the way. The problem was discovered while working through blfs (building libgpg-1.0), but the problem is with the original lfs-built tools. I've been able to reproduce it with less input and a simpler script as follows. Set up files for testing as follows: cat ><<EOF 7 GPG_ERR_E2BIG 114 GPG_ERR_EALREADY 52 GPG_ERR_EBADE 9 GPG_ERR_EBADF 77 GPG_ERR_EBADFD EOF cat > test.awk <<EOF BEGIN { FS="[ \t]+GPG_ERR_"; } //^#/ { next; } { print " { " $1 ", \"GPG_ERR_" $2 "\" },"; } EOF cat | gawk -f test.awk This is expected to produce { 7, "GPG_ERR_E2BIG" }, { 114, "GPG_ERR_EALREADY" }, { 52, "GPG_ERR_EBADE" }, { 9, "GPG_ERR_EBADF" }, { 77, "GPG_ERR_EBADFD" }, but in fact it produces { 7, "GPG_ERR_E2BIG" }, { 114, "GPG_ERR_EALREADY" }, { 52 EBADE, "GPG_ERR_" }, { 9 EBADF, "GPG_ERR_" }, { 77, "GPG_ERR_EBADFD" }, Clearly, two of the lines are clearly being split wrongly (in fact, not at all, so $1 matches the entire line and $2 is empty). There is no special problem with the original whitespace (single normal space characters throughout). I'm running a Pentium 4 box with an Intel 845PE chipset: both my host environments are i686-pc-linux, built by me. There's an 'LFS' set-up, exactly following the LFS book as far as the kernel goes, but with glibc-2.3.5 and binutils-2.15 . I also have gcc-3.4.4 installed on it. The other system is (or was) Mandrake-10.1, but with my own unmodified builds of binutils-2.16. Linux-, and gcc-3.4.3 . The odd one out is that I'm still using the heavily Mandrake-patched version of glibc-2.3.3 . I've compiled gawk-3.1.3 and gawk-3.1.4 with all of these gcc/glibc combinations, and executed each of the resulting executables in both systems (so using the host glibc and in each case: no special load paths set up). The *only* failing combination is gawk-3.1.4 with the LFS system (so glibc-2.3.5), and this breaks with all of the compilers. I doubt very much whether the kernel or binutils version matters a damn, so it looks like a mysterious combination bug for gawk-3.1.4 and glibc-2.3.5 together. Has anyone else seen this? Can anyone else reproduce it? Unless someone tells me I've painted myself into an unreproducible private corner I'll raise it as a bug with gawk and glibc. Bernard Leak. -- Before they made me, they broke the mould. -- FAQ: Unsubscribe: See the above information page