On 6/27/05, David Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Matthew Burgess wrote:
> > I'd be prone to just leave it alone for now, seeing as it hasn't
> > caused us any real problems so far.
> >
> Here is what I did on a new  LFS-BOOK-SVN-20050625:
> 6.13.Binutils-2.16
>     after 'make tooldir=/usr install'
> sed -i "s:^\(dep.*=\).*:\1' -liberty':" /usr/lib/libbfd.la
> 6.14. GCC-3.4.4
>     after 'make install'
> sed -i "s:^\(dep.*=\).*:\1' -lm -lc -lgcc_s':" \
>     /usr/lib/libstdc++.la /usr/lib/libsupc++.la
> All .la's are now nice and clean and I find no problems, I'm happy.
> To me this seems a short-coming of the supplied ltmain.sh's.  However I
> have not been successful hacking them.

Does anyone know why these libtool files are useful? I have been
deleting all the .la files without any problems.

Tushar Teredesai
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