
Now that the 6.1 cycle has started, here's what's on the cards for future LFS releases. Whether these make it all into the same release, or whether they're staggered over multiple releases depends on how quickly they can stabilise and the amount of development and testing resources available. Anyway, here's the list:

* Multi-arch support, i.e. officially supporting more than just x86. We currently have a branch underway for this, masterfully headed by Jim Gifford. IIRC, it's pretty stable already, so a merge could happen soon.

* Cross-build support, i.e. being able to build from non-Linux hosts, and building from one architecture to run on a different architecture. There's some notes on the Wiki for this, and Ryan Oliver's cross-lfs scripts act as a good starting point. I've been promising to set up a branch for this stuff too...soon...honest :)

* GCC-4.0 - 4.0.0 is currently scheduled for April 15th. There's some interesting changes for us (like they went and removed our beloved spec file!) as well as compile and execution time speedups and the usual bunch of bug fixes. There's also currently issues with glibc, and in all likelihood BLFS will be affected by this quite a lot, as the compiler has once again got a bit stricter in what code it'll accept. Bug #1062 suggests a branch for this work, and though I'd tend to agree, it'll in all likelihood be a pretty short-lived one.

* Slimming down of the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files and related changes to the LFS book (mainly udev) and BLFS book.

If I've missed anything off this list, or you have an idea that you've been keeping to yourself, then now's the time to hit us with it :)


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