Greetings all,

I finally got around to overhauling the cross-lfs script framework,
and the scripts have been updated to (mostly) handle current lfs testing

Latest version is 3.1.1

As usual, they're available under
for the masochistic or curious ;-)

Most work has been done on cleaning up the build framework and splitting
out all the multi-arch handling into separate functions
ie: header stub creation, setting compiler options, setting libdir and
    providing a wrapper to handle the situations where you need to keep
    2 or more versions of a particular binary/script (ie for 32 and 64

Work is ongoing to allow folks to specify the default arch to install
into */lib

Documentation is still effectively non-existent, this will happen over
the next couple of weeks

Mostly tested targeting x86_64 bi-arch and ix86
Moderately tested targeting sparc32 (sun4m) and ppc (ppc750)
More to be added when more time and more architectures make themselves
available ;-)

Apologies to all for my apparent absence of late, there has been a lot
going on on my end :-/ hopefully within the next couple of weeks my
workload will abate a bit and I can start getting back to work on lfs

Anyhoo, if you give them a try, let me know how you go
(best bet is to catch me on irc, I dont get too much time to read emails
 at the moment :-( )

Best Regards

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