Tyler Packer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> {s,c,}fdisk -l /dev/hda says:
> /dev/hda 82220544 bytes, 82MB,  16 heads, 63 sectors, 159 Cylendars
> This is BAD!   It appears that the disk utils are using the (incorrectly 
> reported) physical geometry instead of the logical.   I know I can force the 
> partition data in the kernel params but this is a bootable CD intended to run 
> on not just 1 machine so that isn't a valid option.   I can manually force 
> the partitions in fdisk, but I don't want to have to do that on every machine 
> I use my cd on.   
> If I boot a 2.4.x kernel on the same machine (knoppix cd) the 
> /proc/ide/ide0/hda/geometry reports :
> physical 43800/16/63   (note: this it the same as "logical" on 'my' boot cd)
> logical 2748/255/63
> and fdisk, hdparm, parted etc. all work correctly.
> Any Ideas what is going on?
This is long time problem :( different kernel versions report different hdd
geometry. and fdisk is confused when kernel report new (ie different) hdd
geometry compared to geometry used to produce partition table :( 
This is not LFS specific problem --- I get the same on debian after kernel
upgrade :(
I have not any ideas why this :(

As solution try pass right hdd as parametr to the kernel when you boot new

PS: fdisk confused becouse it want align partition on the cylinder
boundary. Why? I haven't answer...


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