Steve Crosby wrote:

>For the LFS build - is there a recommendation about building LFS from
>or Solaris?

MUCH easier from linux ;-)

There is this little matter of no ext2 write support under solaris...
(genext2fs may help out here... I haven't got that far yet)

>Just looking for some pointers to doco/info, as I'll start the
>building in
>the next few days.

I'll have some info concerning solaris9 -> linux builds by the end
of the week, though I have gone the hard road and haven't installed
Sunfreewares gcc package, and am doing the initial toolchain builds
on an amd64 (SS20's aren't quick)

Best bet on reasonable equipment is start with sunfreewares gcc, then
use it to build your own solaris native gnu binutils (2.15) and gcc for
building the cross-toolchain. You'll probably have to upgrade a few
solaris tools to gnu ones as you go
(checkout cross-lfs for some hints, though I haven't updated it for a
 while... viewcvs via )

My horrid build so far is a bit more convoluted...

Brief breakdown
1) building x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -> sparc-sun-solaris2.9
   cross gcc/binutils
2) building x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -> sparc-sun-linux-gnu
   cross gcc/binutils + glibc

Then via an nfs mount from the solaris box on the amd64

3) cross-compiling sparc-sun-solaris2.9 native gcc + binutils
4) cross-compiling sparc-sun-solaris2.9 -> sparc-sun-linux-gnu
   cross gcc/binutils

This is as far as I have got so far, remainder is to cross-compile
updated tools for the solaris box on the x86_64, then switch over and
cross-compile the rest of ch5 (linux) on the SS20 (using distcc)

Then comes the matter of putting it all on a slice with ext2 ;-)

Fun fun fun ;-)

Anyhoo, let us know how you go :-D


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