On 09/03/18 20:17, Valentin Spreckels wrote:
The bootloader on the FRITZ!Box 7412 crashes when flashing images. Thus
the AVM recovery tool uses another approach: It uses the bootloader to
load a small linux system into the ram and boot it from there. This
system will then flash the image.

This script mimics the behavior: It loads an openwrt initramfs image.
After this a sysupgrade can be done to persistently install openwrt.

Signed-off-by: Valentin Spreckels 

I have been using an ugly shell script to do the same for a few years so ...

Acked-by: John Crispin <j...@phrozen.org>

  scripts/flashing/eva_ramboot.py | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1 file changed, 37 insertions(+)
  create mode 100755 scripts/flashing/eva_ramboot.py

diff --git a/scripts/flashing/eva_ramboot.py b/scripts/flashing/eva_ramboot.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b825d2768b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/flashing/eva_ramboot.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+from ftplib import FTP
+from sys import argv
+from os import stat
+assert len(argv) == 3
+ip = argv[1]
+image = argv[2]
+size = stat(image).st_size
+# arbitrary size limit, to prevent the address calculations from overflows etc.
+assert size < 0x2000000
+# We need to align the address. A page boundary seems to be sufficient on 
+# and 7412
+addr = ((0x8000000 - size) & ~0xfff)
+haddr = 0x80000000 + addr
+img = open(image, "rb")
+ftp = FTP(ip, 'adam2', 'adam2')
+def adam(cmd):
+       print("> %s"%(cmd))
+       resp = ftp.sendcmd(cmd)
+       print("< %s"%(resp))
+       assert resp[0:3] == "200"
+# The following parameters allow booting the avm recovery system with this
+# script.
+adam('SETENV memsize 0x%08x'%(addr))
+adam('SETENV kernel_args_tmp mtdram1=0x%08x,0x88000000'%(haddr))
+adam('MEDIA SDRAM')
+ftp.storbinary('STOR 0x%08x 0x88000000'%(haddr), img)

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