On 03/03/2018 06:17 PM, TheWerthFam wrote:
> Yes,
> switch driver is missing.  17.01.4 kernel log shows:  "b53_common: found
> switch: BCM53125, rev 4"
> 18.0x doesn't show any b53/BCM53125 switch information.

That part looks good:

target/linux/sunxi/config-4.14:# CONFIG_SWCONFIG_B53_MMAP_DRIVER is not set
target/linux/sunxi/config-4.14:# CONFIG_SWCONFIG_B53_SRAB_DRIVER is not set

Can you send a complete kernel log?

> Thanks
>     Derek
> On 03/03/2018 08:30 PM, Rosen Penev wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 3, 2018 at 5:26 PM, TheWerthFam <thewerth...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> 17.01.4 works great currently on this platform, just trying out the
>>> cutting
>>> edge and found the switch configuration not existent.
>>> swconfig list  returns no results.
>>> Normally swconfig returns
>>> Found: switch0 - eth0
>>> Found: switch1 - eth0
>>> The interfaces eth0.1 eth0.2 etc are created, but they don't pass any
>>> traffic.  LAN ports and the WAN port LEDs seem to work in their normal
>>> quirky way with devices connected but they don't pass any traffic.
>>> Any advice and direction of work that needs to be done would be
>>> appreciated.
>> Did you clear settings when upgrading? Please post /etc/config/network.
>> This sounds like the switch driver is missing.
>>> Cheers
>>>      Derek
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