People that build there own images and choose OpenSSH would be expected to know 
what they are doing and for that reason not allowing password logins as a 
default seems reasonable, but ... even those knowledgeable users may sometimes 
forget to add a public key and find their lovely router soft bricked.

Users that choose OpenSSH, may indeed want to disable passwords. They can do so 
safely *once* they've set-up their public keys, either at image build-time or 
at run-time, even when the default allows passwords.

In general avoiding locking out users by allowing passwords as a (first) 
default seems reasonable as it does not interfere with securing a box. (this 
adheres to John Stuart Mill's harm principle)

To many words, bye,

> Op 15 feb. 2018, om 20:50 heeft Magnus Kroken <> het 
> volgende geschreven:
> On 15.02.2018 16.52, Philip Prindeville wrote:
>> Well, right!  That was my first approach with a “config" option to do 
>> exactly that, but it was shot down:
>> I even defaulted the option to continue to allow passwords so that only 
>> people who (a) selected OpenSSH and (b) turned this option off would be 
>> affected… which has to be a small portion of the population.
> Sorry, I must have missed this. I'm in favor of the current state of that 
> pull request (my concern is the direct consequences of the patch, not the way 
> it is implemented, more below).
>>> Consider a scenario where a user builds an image with OpenSSH, without 
>>> Dropbear (because they have OpenSSH), and without a web interface (because 
>>> they want to save space). This is easily done by selecting and deselecting 
>>> packages in menuconfig/imagebuilder, no custom files needed today. With 
>>> this change, if the image is missing authorized_keys, the only way to log 
>>> in is serial console (failsafe will be locked out too), which requires 
>>> soldering - or using bootloader recovery features, which may also require 
>>> soldering and aren't consistently documented.
>> Actually, most of the boxes that *I* work on (Geos, Alix 2D, net5501, Xeon 
>> 1U servers, etc.) all have serial ports and most of them have VGA as well 
>> (or could if you install the optional header).
> True, I was thinking of typical 5-port wireless routers. Still, the lockout 
> problem is real on those devices, and OpenWrt targets and supports a lot of 
> them.
>>> This is just about the default configuration, it's not a choice between 
>>> conflicting compile time options with varying security implications. While 
>>> key authentication may be best practice, allowing SSH password logins isn't 
>>> on the level of reimplementing LuCI in PHP 4. The change is *literally* a 
>>> handful of sed commands, why can't advanced users take care of that 
>>> themselves? Why do we want to make it easier to build a soft-bricking image 
>>> than it is today?
>> Conversely, why can’t advanced users have a clear, standardized way of doing 
>> this?  That they’re “advanced” doesn’t mean they don’t also appreciate 
>> convenience, an easy way to save and export/import configurations, etc.
> I'm not against general development, improvement or standardization of config 
> handling. I'm against the default state of the patch that started this mail 
> thread. The convenience of this patch opens up a new way to break the 
> convenience of failsafe on a lot of devices, and I don't think many people 
> would expect the particular package selection to cause such a behavior. I 
> consider failsafe to be more important. You've already addressed that in your 
> pull request, and I'm in favor of "this should be configurable at build time, 
> but the default behavior should not change". How that is implemented is a 
> different matter, which so far I haven't thought much about.
>> In a perfect world, no one should ever have to build with patches, anything 
>> in files/, cherry-picked commits, etc.  Everything would be expressed in the 
>> .config (or kernel-config).
> I have a bunch of uci-defaults scripts (currently loaded via files) that 
> configure my devices after flashing (if any interface has MAC address X, run 
> a bunch of commands (uci stuff, sed, cat, service reloads, whatever)). I keep 
> adding to them without structuring things, and they become unmanageable. One 
> of many things I've thought of and never gotten around to is creating a 
> package feed of config script packages. A package would e.g. be 
> set_lan_ip4_addr, it would have configuration option(s) to set the desired IP 
> address in menuconfig, and then install a generic uci-defaults script with 
> the desired IP address inserted via sed. Maybe there are better ways to do 
> this (install a /etc/config/deployment file that all the scripts read from?), 
> anyway it would be an improvement of what I do now. In theory, that could be 
> used to get any number of possibilities into menuconfig or .config as well.
>> -Philip
> /Magnus
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