Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 11, 2018, at 4:11 AM, Torbjorn Jansson 
> <> wrote:
>> On 2018-02-11 11:54, Yousong Zhou wrote:
>> On 9 February 2018 at 08:28, Philip Prindeville
>> <> wrote:
>>> From: Philip Prindeville <>
>>> Allowing password logins leaves you vulnerable to dictionary
>>> attacks.  We disable password-based authentication, limiting
>>> authentication to keys only which are more secure.
>>> Note: You'll need to pre-populate your image with some initial
>>> keys. To do this:
>>> 1. Create the appropriate directory as "mkdir -p files/root/.ssh"
>>>    from your top-level directory;
>>> 2. Copy your "~/.ssh/" (or as appropriate) into
>>>    "files/root/.ssh/authorized_keys" and indeed, you can collect
>>>    keys from several sources this way by concatenating them;
>>> 3. Set the permissions on "authorized_keys" to 644 or 640.
>> If forgetting doing this means I may need physical connection like vga
>> monitor or serial connection to "unlock" the device, very likely I
>> will hate this security enforcement...  It's just the inconvenience
>> regardless of whether the said situation should happen.  As a user I'd
>> like to keep this level of convenience as using password
>> authentication and turn it off when I see it appropriate.
>>                 yousong
> yes and i assume this will be a feature that is off by default, especially in 
> images created as part of making a new release.
> if it is on by default in images available for download on lede/openwrt site 
> then we have a big problem.

By default images are built using dropbear not openssh.

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