Em 28/11/17 16:24, Daniel Golle escreveu:
thanks for stepping forward and adressing this issue.
It'd be good to include the two assertions added to your list beelow.

  - board_name (in target userspace) == profile (in imagebuilder) == DTS name

  - image_filename == 

that would make identifying sysupgrade images much more straight
forward (and hence automatizable).

In that case, maybe it would be possible to go the whole way and sanitize distro / target / subtarget / board_name identifiers, so that there are no troublesome characters (the usual suspects, including "/")?

There are only a few such identifiers containing troublesome characters, which makes them into easy traps for the unaware.

It is annoying to have hacks around replacing them with "_" because of other stuff that doesn't take kindly to such chars in identifiers. board_name in particular is often used/visible externally, for example, it is very visible to ACS servers, etc.

Henrique de Moraes Holschuh

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