On 06/21/2017 03:42 PM, e9hack wrote:
> Hi,
> the dns setup for dnsmasq does have a bug. If option resolvfile is used and 
> its value isn't '/tmp/resolv.conf.auto',
> name resolution doesn't work. The given file is empty. A file 
> '/tmp/resolv.conf.auto' is generated and contains the
> correct dns servers, but it isn't used by dnsmasq. This makes option 
> resolvfile useless.
> Regards,
> Hartmut

Isn't the purpose of this option to (1) normally use the default auto 
generated copy or (2) use one that is custom as either static or 
generated by another means. That is to say, if you change this option, 
then you need to provide the target file for the option.

- Eric
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