On Freitag, 21. April 2017 00:25:37 CEST Ram Chandra Jangir wrote:
> +@@ -419,18 +424,19 @@
> +                       status = "disabled";
> +
> +                       gmac0: gmac0 {
> +                               local-mac-address = [00 00 00 00 00 00];
> +-                              vlan_tag = <1 0x1f>;
> +-                      };
> +-
> +-                      gmac1: gmac1 {
> +-                              local-mac-address = [00 00 00 00 00 00];
> +                               qcom,phy_mdio_addr = <4>;
> +                               qcom,poll_required = <1>;
> +                               qcom,forced_speed = <1000>;
> +                               qcom,forced_duplex = <1>;
> +                               vlan_tag = <2 0x20>;
> +                       };
> ++
> ++                      gmac1: gmac1 {
> ++                              local-mac-address = [00 00 00 00 00 00];
> ++                              qcom,poll_required_dynamic = <1>;
> ++                              vlan_tag = <1 0x1e>;
> ++                      };

Why did you swap the gmac0 and gmac1 interface? I would guess that you have to 
fix the network setup for the other devices (qcom-ipq4019-rt-ac58u.dts, qcom-
ipq4019-nbg6617.dts, qcom-ipq4019-fritz4040.dts) when you do that.

Kind regards,

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