On 19 May 2017 at 18:44, Karl Palsson <ka...@tweak.net.au> wrote:
> Resending to the list properly as planned...
> I've modified one of my packages (mosquitto) to use the
> autoassignment style, as it never cared about the actual uid/gid.
> However, is this really the expected behaviour?
> # cat /etc/passwd
> root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/ash
> daemon:*:1:1:daemon:/var:/bin/false
> ftp:*:55:55:ftp:/home/ftp:/bin/false
> network:*:101:101:network:/var:/bin/false
> nobody:*:65534:65534:nobody:/var:/bin/false
> avahi:x:105:105:avahi:/var/run/avahi:/bin/false
> dnsmasq:x:453:453:dnsmasq:/var/run/dnsmasq:/bin/false
> mosquitto:x:100:102:mosquitto:/var/run/mosquitto:/bin/false <<<
> 100:102??
> I know I don't care, but getting 100 for uid and 102 for gid
> seems somewhat unexpected? Is it issuing ids from the same
> sequence or something?

no, this is not how group_add_next works.  please check the content of
/etc/group and see if there might already exist a group of name
"network" with id 101.


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