In general I don't mind auto-allocation - it's somehow best for (PC)
I'm not sure if the same applies to embedded systems and OSes like LEDE
- at least with static backing up of passwd/shadow files.
Wouldnt't a user (developer) expect to backup the settings and restore
it to a different system and everything still works.
If uids/gids are auto-allocated - it looks to me that there is no
guarantee that the backup will work - or did i miss something?
If not, there would be the need to do some post-processing after restore
to somehow fix gids/uids to make everything work again; but it will be
an extra level of complexity.
I had a look on Daniels inspiration - I think something like that makes
more sense.
Regards Tobias
On 15.05.2017 18:02, Val Kulkov wrote:
On 15 May 2017 at 11:46, Yousong Zhou <yszhou4t...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 15 May 2017 at 23:29, Val Kulkov <val.kul...@gmail.com> wrote:
Yousong, perhaps I was not clear. What I am suggesting is to change
the auto-allocation to start from 1000 rather than from 100 (1000 is
just a suggestion, it could be anything else that is high enough), and
to have a convention to allocate the 1-999 range to the services.
Then, the allocation of uid/gid for any new package would be subject
to review and approval by the reviewers. We would have to maintain a
Wiki page listing all uids and gids that have already been taken,
This way, we would only have to reallocate uids and gids for packages
that are 1000 and higher. The other packages that use uids and gids in
the 1-999 range would not be affected, other than the packages that
already have a conflict (icecast and postfix, for example).
I guess the the user, group related utility functions are intended for
use by services only. Adding users and groups for multi-user
interactive is just not the use case for LEDE (this is only personal
opinion and not in the book).
The suggestion is to let default_postinst to auto-allocation uid/gid
from 1 or 100, and let useradd/useradd/groupadd/addgroup to start from
whatever high number.
If we can automate things without separately maintaining a list of any
kind and manual cooperation across groups of people, we should prefer
that ;)
I agree that not depending on the manual cooperation across groups of
people would be ideal. However, updating 35+ packages to use the
auto-allocation mechanism is not an easy undertaking. Besides, some of
the packages might actually rely on particular numeric uid/gid's - we
don't know until we run tests with these packages.
Here is another suggestion. make menuconfig might collect all USERID:=
strings from all packages and produce a list of uids and gids that
have been taken so that the auto-allocation mechanism will stay away
from these uids/gids. Such lists will likely be fairly compact, taking
perhaps less than 500 bytes. This will (1) avoid conflicts between
packages, (2) avoid the need to re-do the uid/gid allocation for 35+
packages, and (3) not require manual cooperation between groups of
people in the future.
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