Although being someone that’s merely following the developments of this 
project, I want to comment on what’s going on in this thread.
Some of my remarks may strike as not very positive, so please do not take any 
of those personal.

> Op 10 mei 2017, om 11:31 heeft Imre Kaloz <> het volgende 
> geschreven:
> On 2017-05-10 00:52, Jo-Philipp Wich wrote:

> *) SPI
>>> - TBD post remerge
>> I'd prefer to tackle this first.
> Before the merge non-OpenWrt people are outsiders from both SPI's and the 
> world's PoV. After the merge everyone can vote on these topics.
This does not feel right. The desire to have the ownership of the domain being 
properly handled before bringing the project - which currently is LEDE - back 
under the openwrt domain name is very reasonable. The fork this have a cause.
If I’ve misunderstood Imre’s position, please tell.

>>> - start pushing to the openwrt organisation
>> By force-overwriting the history of openwrt/openwrt ?
> No one said it won't cause a bit of pain, but would ease the transition on 
> the long run.
Seems the solution to un-fork may cause more problems than it solves. And all 
that for just the name ?

>>> - update the landing page to have the same look & feel as the current
>>> openwrt landing page
>> Why?
> Well, we're not wikipedia so it doesn't hurt if the site has at least some 
> CSS ;)
For all value that OWRT was worth, its website's looks weren’t among them.

>>> *) email accounts
>>> - currently there are around ~20 active mail accounts
>>> - turn all the webmaster@, hostmaster@, ... accounts into aliases that
>>> anyone with voting rights can be subscribed to
>>> - ask those people that are no longer active to voluntarily give up
>>> their accounts
>>> - mail addresses may under no conditions be used for any personal
>>> business, consultancy, applying for jobs, ... purposes
>> According to the rules there shall be no personal mail accounts at all.
>> There should be plenty of time until the actual remerge to fade them out
>> and to set up forwarding elsewhere.
> I hope you agree that a merge means both sides are adopting and need to find 
> some common ground.
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others ...

> Some of the rules has to change, and as we've discussed it with John, one 
> might want to send upstream submissions to make OpenWrt show up there like 
> other projects do. You might also want to open a private conversation between 
> the upstream platform / driver maintainer where having a project email 
> address could be useful. Personally I only use my owrt address for FOSS 
> related stuff and as far as I know, most people do the same.
> LEDE has a rule which says: "Committers being unreachable for three months in 
> a row shall get their commit and voting rights revoked in order to retain the 
> ability to do majority votes among the remaining active committers." This 
> rule is clearly problematic if you would like to extend voting rights to 
> non-coders which I believe we want to do. Someone maintaining the wiki or the 
> forums might never commit anything, but we do want to get their opinion 
> heard. In the past we didn't make it easy for the community to interfere with 
> decisions, I doubt we want to make the same mistake again.
Intentions matter. Nonetheless a rule that tries to prevent that 
non-cooperation can be used as a way to obstruct, should not be set aside by 
intentions; this rule may very well be a sleeping rule that, unhoped for, might 
just be needed when lesser intentions become a problem. While on the other hand 
in the interpretation of a rule, its intention is very relevant and helps to 
apply it to cases that may seem not to fit when interpreted in a (to) narrowly 
strict way.

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