On 04/23/2017 10:23 PM, Eric Luehrsen wrote:
> This reverts commit a03216660797173fbe67866f75564e3fec9c1e8d. The previous
> change causes IFUP events to occur from 30 seconds to 30 minutes depending
> on various conditions at the WAN6 (typ.) interface. If a DHCPv6 lease is
> 24 hours and the connection is stable, then in other linux distro we would
> expect IFUP every 24 hours. This is therefore a significant inconsistency
> for LEDE. Add on package maintainers are going to be surprised by the
> behavior. Use of the interface triggers in procd will experience further
> thrashing. For example, procd managed DNS servers like dnsmasq and Unbound
> will dump their DNS cache every 30sec to 30min due to reload triggers.

> Original Patch discussion: 
>> Re: [LEDE-DEV] [PATCH netifd 1/2] interface-ip: set address indicator flag 
>> when IPv6 address lifetime changes
>> On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 10:20 PM, Matthias Schiffer
>> <mschiffer at universe-factory.net> wrote:
>> On 03/09/2017 05:32 PM, Hans Dedecker wrote:
>>> Trigger interface update event when IPv6 address lifetime changes by setting
>>> the address indicator flag to inform external subsystems about IPv6 address
>>> lifetime change.
>>> Signed-off-by: Hans Dedecker <dedeckeh at gmail.com>
>> AFAICT, this will cause a lot of ifupdate events in big IPv6 networks (for
>> example, some large mesh networks based on Gluon have more than 4000 client
>> and 5-10 radvds, often causing more than one RA per second, each updating
>> valid/preferred lifetimes). We *really* want to avoid causing lots of
>> reloads for services that set triggers on interface updates; the majority
>> of services is not interested in the lifetimes of addresses at all.
>> Matthias

See Also FS#713
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