On 04/10/2017 05:08 AM, Lubomir Rintel wrote:
> There might be unassigned IAs among the options the client sends when it
> issues a REBIND. In fact, that's how the ISC dhclient reqests new IA_PDs
> to be assigned. However, odhcpd would just return the IA_PDs back
> without assigning a prefix:

The patch (or its concept) could be a good thing. REBIND should probably 
be able to do this. I would express concern using dhclient, 
Network-Manager, or any implementation as standards references. Just for 
one example, dhclient seems to have an unresolved issue (for a while 
now) with handling the fqdn.fqdn option. Downstream Network-Manager and 
Debian solve this by just squashing the option all together. End result, 
host name does not end up in DHCPv6 leases.

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