2017-04-10 11:46 GMT+02:00 Russell Senior <russ...@personaltelco.net>:
>>2017-04-05 5:38 GMT+02:00 Russell Senior <russ...@personaltelco.net>:
>>> +
>>> +/ {
>>> +       compatible = "mediatek,awm688", "mediatek,mt7628an-soc";
>>> +       model = "AsiaRF AWM688";
>>> +
>>> +       chosen {
>>> +               bootargs = "console=ttyS0,57600";
>>> +       };
>>> +
>>> +       aliases {
>>> +               serial0 = &uart1;
>>> +       };
>>> +
>>> +       memory@0 {
>>> +               device_type = "memory";
>>> +               reg = <0x0 0x4000000>;
>>> +       };
>>> +
>>> +       bootstrap {
>>> +               compatible = "mediatek,awm688";
>>> +
>>> +               status = "okay";
>>> +       };
>>> +
>>> +       gpio-leds {
>>> +               compatible = "gpio-leds";
>>> +
>>> +               wifi {
>>> +                       label = "mediatek:orange:wifi";
>>> +                       gpios = <&wgpio 0 0>;
>>> +                       default-state = "on";
>>Why do you switch the led to default on? Could it be that the polarity
>>is wrong for this led (active low instead of active high) and you are
>>trying to switch the led to off?
> This is an artifact of the LinkIt7688 DTS.

Please get rid off all the copy/paste stuff like this led, the
bootstrap device tree node and the u-boot env tools. I'm quite sure
there are more copy/paste leftovers in the dts which I haven't noticed
during my brief review. Please take care of these as well to make sure
you don't need to send a v3.


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