Hi Benni,
On Mon, Apr 03, 2017 at 11:30:45AM +0200, lede-proj...@bepo.de wrote:
Hello Daniel,
I have explore the patreon site becauce I do not know it before. Short:
I do not like this service at all (5% fee, only paypal/creditcard, ...)
If you in Germany/Leipzig and a german citizen, so I can offer you an
Midi-Job (witch include a health insurance).
That'd be amazing, obviously :)
We use lot of openwrt (and freifunk) a couple of years (and try use LEDE
now), so it was a good style for us to payback the active community. And
IMHO better then collecting cash via patreon's "Klingelbeutel".
For sure. I also try to avoid receiving payments through patreon,
but only a small fraction of the people who are supporting me right now
are from within the EU and hence have access to free SEPA transfers.
And if people provide $$$ outside of patreon I need to do all the paper
work (and when counting the hours for that 5% seems to be not too bad of
a deal...)
Some others offered sending bitcoin and such, which I for now refuse
because I don't even know how the boureaucracy (tax-wise) works in that
case, because they obviously want to remain anonymous and hence I can't
know their name and address and all that...
Our office is in Hamburg, but we want open a small office in Leipzig
this year (asap).
Is this a option for you, or is this a stupid idea?
Depends on what you want me to do. The difference here is that patreon
allows me to do what I believe is important or fun to do and people
can reward me for that or just support me even for reasons beyond my
own understanding. A job, opposed to that, usually comes with quite
different expectations of the people who provide the cash. I usually
don't survive in those settings, because I'm not a very obediant
person (apparently so) and I simply cannot force myself to do things
which I don't believe in myself. If I try anyway, I very quickly get
very depressed, sick and angry, because I truely hate the outcomes of
most commercially motivated technological progress (such as selling
more useless stuff, knowing more about customers, brainwashing people
into mindless and ultra-dependent isolated consumers, ...)
Excuses like 'but we need to make a business somehow' don't count and
don't really increase my motivation...
Hence I shifted my commercial activity to work in kitchens most of
the time, because making good food doesn't contradict with my own will
and my expectations towards food seem to correlate with the taste and
expectations of the people entering the restaurant... Business-wise
that didn't work well, the restaurant had to close last year due to
increasing rent and labour costs (they payed minimum wage)...
Anyway, all that may all sound too harsh and I don't even know what
your company is doing. Maybe it's totally what I believe would be great
to do and have on this planet, create a future which I'd want to live
in and so on... So please tell me more :)
Am 22.03.2017 um 11:22 schrieb Daniel Golle:
Hi everyone,
most of you might know me for hacking on embedded stuff while having
the common good in mind. Because I'm practically always out of money,
I decided to setup a patreon account which can help me to gather at
least the $$$ needed to pay for obligatory health insurance and such
things. It'd be great if you spread the word and also give me feedback
(off-list!) so I can improve my patreon page.
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